All of my beginnings, beloved. Withered downfall, scream no more. My time has come to end, yet you are the one who will descend the throne. The throne that surely make you have to chugged the entirely of crimson and iron. The underworld is never belong to you, yet you still tangled in the web of unwanted. You are hoping of the paradise, unspoken by many, prayed by you all day long.

We are in the era of threads born from iron, just like your will who always been treat as strong. In this moment of truthfulness, I want you to keep holding in this moment of unknown; even if you decide to let such cowardice engulf within you. My beloved iron, I hope you also found paradise within, without the doubt lingers, perhaps with your shoes, too; adhiraja.

What do you think about this old portrait, adhiraja candrakuma wisnu? How young, for all of your twenty-nine lifetimes, you are refined. In current times, you must be somewhat a fine gentleman of six feet one tall. Dreamy and lost, you strife for something that is engulfing you as whole, but all must come forth in balance.Birthdate, origin, most of it will likely to put you as shut. But, you do admit that you are half-Indonesia, at least.(vis. ilenoah schuberg - elegant sea of savagery)

KESTARI is the private institution owned by generations of your family, the Candrakuma. You were supposed to inherit such immaculate greatness of your family, but you know best that your hands and heart were never tainted pitch crimson. Never, my love. You would rather put those things at your backseat; busying yourself with plenty shoes that you always adore of, but the crimson always haunting you like it was in state of frenzy.You know love, you kept it as a shrine with the unspoken sacred vow. You were almost happy, elated by your beloved wife and child only to be shredded by death.Now, all you need to do is . . .

(vis. luke of alchemy stars)

JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH is your muse, your idol at some point. All of his pieces were delight to your ears, his journey also clicked on you at certain point. Who would've thought that he is truly became another part of you?Bach's strength relies on electric & bless/light, with resist on bless/light, block any electric attack, and at last his weakness is on dark/curse.

IV. Emperortba

Cantata HymnDeals Heavy Bless/Light damage to all foes and inflict Brainwash (medium odds). Unique to Bach.
Thunder ReignDeals Severe Electric damage to 1 foe.
MaziongaDeals Medium Electric damage to all foes.
KougaDeals Medium Bless/Light damage to 1 foe.
ZiodyneDeals Heavy Electric damage to 1 foe.
Term AllegroDeals Heavy Physical damage to 1 foe, inflict Shock.
Term PrestoDeals Colossal Physical damage to 1 foe.
MediaramaModerately restore party's HP.
All TargeErect a shield on 1 ally to repel 1 (non-Almighty) physical/magical attack.
ConcentrateMultiply Bach's next magical attack damage by 2.5.
Elec AmpPassive. Strengthen Electric attacks by 50%.
Bless AmpPassive. Strengthen Bless attacks by 50%.

ONE . This carrd and the twitter account is merely for personal entertainment and roleplaying purposes. The only affiliation in which both has own are NEXUS and ASTEROIDSRP itself.

TWO . Open for interactions and plots, accepting various genres unless stated in the discussion. Hence, be heeded if this account with be tagged as NSFW. Will be using English and Bahasa Indonesia in the interactions.

THREE . tba.

FOUR . tba.